Air Handler Units
Custom air handling systems produced by Energy Labs, a Vertiv™ Company, are the premium solution for controlling business environments. Our custom air handlers are available in many configurations, sizes, capacities, and materials built to customer specification. We provide complete customized systems for cooling, heating, humidification, and air filtration.

Chilled Water Cooling
Offers customers a simple and versatile cooling option where water consumption or ambient conditions limit the use of evaporative technilogies. Unit piping and coil design can be customized to accommodate the exact air handler deisgn requirements as specified. Benefits of this solution are:
- Heat exchanger coils customized for application requirements
- Air cooling and heating applications
- Minimal water consumption during operation
- Cooling, regardless of ambient relative
Direct Evaporative Cooling
Direct evaporative cooling has been around for centuries, but has recently gained in popularity because of its extremely low energy consumption and low initial cost.
- Heat exchanger coils customized for application requirements
- Air cooling and heating applications
- Minimal water consumption during operation
- Cooling, regardless of ambient relative
How It Works
Fans force air across an evaporative media, allowing evaporation to occur, resulting in a reduced temperature and increased humidity for the supply air. Wetted media is the substrate needed to allow the most contact of air to the evaporating water, and provides a durable, highly wettable, extended surface with low air-pressure drop.

It is self-cleaning and consistent in performance, enabling customers to achieve the full cooling and humidification benefits of water evaporation for the cooled space.

Energy Recovery
Modern buildings require ventilation rates to comply with ASHRAE Standard 621 as well as Good Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) to keep occupants happy and healthy.
- Poor IAQ has been directly associated with “sick-building syndrome”, which can result in high illness rates, absenteeism, reduced productivity, and employee turnover.
The challenge with Energy Recovery is balancing the efficiency gains with the energy consumption. To aid with this selection, Energy Labs experienced applications engineers can help customers select one of the AHRI listed energy recovery systems to ensure customers get the performance required. Energy Labs offers the following AHRI listed energy recovery solutions:
- Evaporative cooling
- Energy recovery coil loops
- Heat pipes
- Energy recovery heat exchangers
- Energy recovery wheels
Vertiv Services offers comprehensive Services to maintain your precision cooling system's maximum performance, availability, and efficiency. We provide multiple levels of service to meet your specific requirements, including 8x5 or 24x7 coverage, parts, labor, and emergency services.
- Our Preventive Maintenance service is performed by factory-trained technicians to ensure consistent performance throughout the year.
- Integrated Lifecycle Services are available to offer a quick, safe, and reliable return to operation, from initial inspection to equipment repair, upgrade, and replacement.
- Upgrade Services can extend the life of your equipment, improve reliability and efficiency, and lower your total cost of ownership.
- Remote Monitoring provides 24x7 protection for your business-critical network, with early detection of temperature increases and other anomalies.
- Control Optimization service helps you meet changing demands within your data center, customizing controls, setting appropriate set points, and ensuring proper system integration.
Talk to an ELI Specialist
1-800-543-2778, #6